How to Repair Scratched Glass

A scratched window pane, while functional, is still marred. But many scratches, if not too deep, can be repaired at home with some effort. A scratch that’s penetrated deep enough to catch the tip of a fingernail is likely too deep to be repaired. That’s when a highly rated Indianapolis glass repair shop can help.

A glass repair company may be able to remove or minimize the scratch using specialized equipment or techniques, or they may recommend replacing the pane altogether.

If you’ve noticed a superficial scratch and you’re willing to try to repair it yourself, try employing one of the following methods:

Metal polish

Clean and dry the area around the scratch with clean, soft cloths – even rough fabric or paper towels can add additional scratches to the glass to scratch. After the area is thoroughly cleaned, dab a bit of metal polish onto another soft and dry cloth and gently rub it into the scratch.

Avoid excessive application of the polish, as this may add more scratches to the window in new areas. If the metal polish is applied correctly and the scratch isn’t too deep, the scratch should disappear or become significantly less visible.

Clear nail polish

Clean the scratch and the area around it with window cleaner. Again, a soft cloth should be used to wipe off the window cleaner. Make sure the scratched area is sufficiently dry before moving to the next step.

Using the bottle’s brush, carefully apply a layer of clear nail polish over the scratch. The nail polish should be enough to thoroughly cover the scratch, but not heavily applied. Afterward, carefully remove any excess nail polish with nail polish remover lightly dabbed from a clean cloth.

Homemade scratch remover

Applying a paste made from a mixture of water, white toothpaste and baking soda is another DIY scratch-removal method. The paste should be rubbed into the scratch with a clean cloth that’s slightly damp.

Rub the paste in a tiny circular motion and try to avoid applying the paste outside the scratched area. Once finished, use a clean soft cloth to wash the window. This process may take several repeated attempts before the scratch is removed or becomes minimally visible.

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